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FG Seeks Stakeholders Support to Tackle Climate Crisis

FG Seeks Stakeholders Support to Tackle Climate Crisis

The Minister of State for Environment, Dr Iziaq Kunle Salako, has called for collective commitment in fostering a sustainable environment in Nigeria, saying the Federal Government requires strong stakeholders' support to combat the challenges of climate change.


Dr Salako made the call at the 60th anniversary celebration of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations held at the Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta, where the Ogun State Chapter of NIPR unveiled its Diamond Anniversary Green Park.



Represented by the Director-General and Chief Executive Officer of the Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), Professor Zacharia Yaduma, the minister stressed the need for concerted efforts to reduce carbon footprint in the country and improve the health of its ecosystem.


While assuring that the Federal Government would welcome collaborations aimed sustainability and environmental stewardship, Salako announced the donation of 1,000 seedlings to support the tree planting campaign of Ogun NIPR.


In his remark, the Rector, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Abeokuta, Dr Adeoye Odedeji, said the polytechnic was excited to partner with the NIPR and assured that the Diamond Anniversary Green Park would be nurtured as a unit in the institution for the present and future generations.


On his part, the Ogun NIPR Chairman,  Oluwaseun Boye, represented by the Vice Chairman, Waheed Ogunjobi, said the professional body understands the importance of promoting a sustainable environment as part of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.


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